

已完结 / / 海外剧 /英国 / 2023




  • 视点 1.0 视点
    2021 海外
    简介:讲述警方在曼彻斯特 进行严密的监视调查行动,而剧情会探讨观察他人时是否存在真正的「客观」以及影响。Martin King总警司在单亲母亲家里设立监视点,因为这里可以清楚观察到韦斯特伯里广场及失踪小学教师的家。教师踪前与男友同住,而他亦是主要嫌疑犯。
  • 熟女梦工厂 9.0 熟女梦工厂
    2020 海外
  • 作案手法第一季 5.0 作案手法第一季
    2015 海外
    简介:During a snowy Christmas season in Sweden, psychologist and profiler Inger Johanne Vik finds not only herself but also her autistic daughter drawn into the investigation of a number of disturbing deaths, through which she meets detective Ingvar Nymann at the Stockholm Police. Nymann is dispatched to Uppsala to investigate the shocking Christmas Eve murder of bishop Elisabeth Li...
  • 作案手法第二季 3.0 作案手法第二季
    2017 海外
    简介:Four years after Inger Johanne Vik lived her life in Washington, working for the FBI, we find out the reasons she came back to Sweden. But will it stay in the past? Helen Tyler, the president of the United States comes for a state visit and unpredictical events happen.
  • 作案动机第三季 10.0 作案动机第三季
    2015 海外
    简介:一般的罪案调查剧要到每一集结尾才会揭晓罪犯的真实身份,但本剧每集一开始就会把受害人的身份和凶手的身份全都告诉观众。它并不以「谁干的」为看点,而是强调「为什么」。温哥华警察局命案侦探Angie Flynn(Kristin Lehman)每天都要面对「为什么」,她必须一点一点地拼凑一起案件中所有的相关线索——凶手和受害人因为什么而相关?凶手的作案动机是什么?观众将跟随Angie和她的调查组解开一个个谜团。   http://chaoji365.com/detail/?8968.html
  • 作案动机第四季 2.0 作案动机第四季
    2016 海外
    简介:The victim: Police Constable Greg Schultz. The killer: stand-up comic and Greg's older brother Murray Schultz. Greg's death is the first case for Oscar following his recovery and promotion to staff sergeant, Brian in his new position as Angie's partner, and the new homicide detective Mitch Kennecki, an overly cocky know-it-all because he is a legacy. Greg's death is initially d...


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